2020 in Retrospect

2020 - what a year!
Started the year off by saying goodbye to Nathan before he moved to MI.

I had just returned from Russia, and it was so nice to be back home.

I helped Miriam build a snowman and rode horses with Sarah :)

Target shopping with Magera, and smiling with fellow pianist, Trisha.

In LA over spring break, I got to see Vanessa for the first time since Russia!

My last semester at TU was bittersweet. Because of covid, I wouldn't get to have my senior recital.

I didn't even know this would be my last orchestra concert.

But we made it through our last, very strange semester, and graduated (without a ceremony, sadly). 

Nieces birthday parties: Aurora turned one and Amelie turned three!

Drinks and dinner with family <3

I went to LA again to visit my sister, and saw my friend in Long Beach too!

I babysat my niece Kisstance for the week and it was a lot of fun!

President Trump came to Tulsa in June, and some of us went to the rally. It was awesome!

In Russia, Emily told me we would go to Torchy's Taco's together someday.
Sure enough, I went to San Antonio to see Emily this summer, and that's what we did!  

Something else that happened this summer- my brother got married to Jessie!

Then, I got a haircut, moved in with my best friend, and started working at Starbucks as well as my music teaching!

Deborah and I hung out a lot this year in both Texas and Tulsa!

And yes, for my birthday, I went to LA once again!

A delicious dinner in Long Beach with Anthony!

Then I flew to Arizona and visited my brother and sister-in-law!

An early snow this year in Tulsa!
 My roommate and her boyfriend pose by their snowman-in-the-making :)

My Starbucks decorated early for the holidays :) Love my Starbucks team!

Took a picture with my 4th grade violin class. A challenging but rewarding semester with these kids!

 In December, I went to Colorado with my family, and we went snowmobiling in the Rocky Mountains!

We rode the train through the canyon.

And we woke up early and watched the sunrise!

In retrospect, this was a strange year with not a lot of good news in the world, but I had a pretty good year, and I am so grateful for time spent with my friends and family.

Here's to 2021!


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