2020 - what a year! Started the year off by saying goodbye to Nathan before he moved to MI. I had just returned from Russia, and it was so nice to be back home. I helped Miriam build a snowman and rode horses with Sarah :) Target shopping with Magera, and smiling with fellow pianist, Trisha. In LA over spring break, I got to see Vanessa for the first time since Russia! My last semester at TU was bittersweet. Because of covid, I wouldn't get to have my senior recital. I didn't even know this would be my last orchestra concert. But we made it through our last, very strange semester, and graduated (without a ceremony, sadly). Nieces birthday parties: Aurora turned one and Amelie turned three! Drinks and dinner with family <3 I went to LA again to visit my sister, and saw my friend in Long Beach too! I babysat my niece Kisstance for the week and it was a lot of fun! President Trump came to Tulsa in June, and some of us went to the rally. It was awesome! In Russia, Emily told me...
I heard about your blog from Deborah! So glad you shared more pics of your trip to her house! She didn't put many on her blog. :)