
Showing posts from May, 2019


This post is a collection of my favorite portrait pictures I have taken since last fall. Bridget poses next to a pumpkin :) Hope always kindly models for me when I want to practice photography. I love Black and White photos Next few pics are of my friend Kaylee I really like how this one turned out! Be your own kind of beautiful! Kaylee is a great singer and guitarist. Check out her Youtube channel here: Christmas time. This wasn't a photoshoot but rather a few candid shots that turned out pretty cool.  Took a few pictures of my dad this past March :) Click here  (yes, I just figured out how to incorporate these links lol)  Sometimes my favorite pictures are not necessarily the "best" but the most natural. Pretty lady Personality Morgan was a delight to photograph!  Senior photos and reflections Sunlight So I sneaked in a photo shoot with Hannah a few hours ...

My Junior Recital

Here are some pictures and videos from my Junior Piano Recital which was on April 26! I had a lot of friends and family come which was so nice and encouraging! Thanks guys for your support!  The above video is Vallee d'Obermann by Franz Liszt. Practicing beforehand Nerves Playing with my friend Josh I've never performed for that long. I got very hot :) Photo credits go to my sister Leah :) And finally with my teacher, Dr. Price! Here are a couple more videos:

Saying Goodbye

Around the first of March, my brother and my dad left on a three month trip! But the night before they left, we celebrated Nathan's 18th birthday! I took some picture in the RV before they took off.  Very handy little home! Nice to bring a car along so they wouldn't have to take the big RV everywhere. Speaking from experience, this RV is very fun and comfortable to ride in! :) Nathan! and... goodbye :'( If you want to see what adventures they've been having on their trip, you can do so by going to