Moscow! Famous Museums and Stores

Next to Red Square is the famous mall GUM

It is a very large mall with many department stores inside

Caviar and other traditional Russian foods

Fancy chocolates and wines

Beautiful paintings and traditional ice-cream

Some of us went to the famous art museum, State Tretyakov Gallery.

Some of my favorite paintings there:
A little Russian girl
Well here's my favorite painting for obvious reasons :)

And goats!

I asked if I could play on this piano, but they said NYET (No) :(

Back at the fancy hotel we stayed in
Another scrumptious breakfast!

We went to this Russian history museum.

So much history!

An old Russian piano and accordion

Russian space suits

Old Russian newspapers and money

Russian soldier and sport uniforms

I had just enough free time to go to Tchaikovsky's old house which is now a museum!

I got to play the piano in his house!

Several of his original manuscripts, letters, and his Bible!

The Moscow metro map was very cool

Waiting for the metro to come

Phillip in the purple wig ;)

Eating Raamen with my best friend Isaac!

While riding the train back to SPB, I noticed this person reading Charles Dickens :)

What a fun time in Moscow! I want to go back someday soon!


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