Brother and Best Friend

Nathan Brant

Recently, I have been trying to improve my photography skills. Instead of always using the Auto settings, I have been turning the dial to Manual more often. I purchased an ebook that explains what settings to use, and when to use them. This has proved very helpful.

So... I needed someone to practice my portrait photography on. Nathan, my brother, was very nice and patient, and let me practice on him. :)

I only used the Manual mode for these photos. Choosing the aperture, shutter speed, ISO, etc. can be tricky, and I still need lots of practice, but I'll never get better unless I go out and keep trying!

I like the simplicity of this black and white photo.

I said something funny :)

Nathan and his friend Reddy :)

They match!

The lambs are in the background :)

My brother is my best friend!


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