Summer Break, 2017

Summer had begun.
My summer break began when classes ended the first week of May. It was a wonderful few months: Taking care of baby animals, spending time with friends and family, going to the lake, spending countless hours playing ping-pong with Nathan, and not having to worry about practicing, studying, or tests. These were just some of the lovely things that made this summer special.

So, here are some pictures and an overview of my summer break!

Quack liked this summer :) - especially all the rain we got!
The rain made the fescue very green!

I took a walk with Nathan. Here he is taking a picture of a Lark Sparrow.

A day before our mailbox blew over. (Of course I had no idea it would!)

The sad sight!

Our creek.

Quack and Mack liked to eat the wheat.

Nathan and the healthy tomato plants.

Nathan weighing Floppy. (She must've weighed too much, because the scale said "E"! Just kidding.She weighed 45lbs., but it took awhile to find that out, because she was quite energetic which confused the scale:))

Going to milk and feed the kids/lambs
Feeding little rammy :) 

We bought some more lambs!

They all want the bottle at once.

The lambs all together. Rammy is the big one, and the rest are ewe lambs.

Counting some friend's cows.

Playing Scrabble with friends!

Now for some of my favorite food I made this summer ...  Peanut utter Pie

"Daddy's Carob Mint Cookies" for Father's Day.

Strawberry Pie. (I made this a lot this summer!)
Strawberry Shortcake.

Mayo Parmesan Chicken w/ Nathan in the background! :)

Buttermilk Pancakes!

Homemade Pizza (is the best)
Sloppy Joe's

Watching home videos (this is Nathan and I in '04)

Playing Scrabble while watching the competition.
We spent hours and days watching the Van Cliburn competition via Medici TV! Kenny Broberg was my favorite, and he got the Silver Medal (2nd place).

Nathan holding Amelie, our new niece :)

Doing Biology. It was boring :)

Taking one of my many walks.


Our wonderful and tasty homegrown tomatoes!

Some beautiful waterfalls! Too bad I only had my iPhone to capture them.

Walking with friends.
Friends :)

Swimming at a friends'shouse.

Nathan and his cello teacher at his performance :)

We went to the lake quite a bit this summer.

Tubing is so much fun!!

A beautiful evening!

Performing for my students :)

One of my students took my picture with my phone, while I was tuning her violin :)

But... my lovely piano misses me, so now it is time to start practicing again.
So back to school I go, but with a lot of good memories from this summer :)


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